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Biodigester Project

The basic concept is to create methane which can be used in a household setting.  The construction of this biodigester is taken form Thomas Culhane with little modification to ensure maximum efficiency. The biodigester would be created using buckets and plumbing materials. To being producing the gas manure and biodegradable scraps from your regular household would be used.

The purpose of this project is to show how effective that biodigesters can be used in households and on a larger scale in farming as well as industries. Countries in Germany and the United States are using. Improving this cost effective system would allow the use of the biodigester to become more prevalent in households.

Using a biodigester to produce methane in which can power your cooking stove is economic as well as environmental friendly. Adapting to this method would allow the concept of ‘Going Green’ to be effective.

The links below provides the concept in which this project would be carried out.

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